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Are You Ruining Your Teeth with These Bad Habits?

Brushing and flossing regularly aren’t the only habits that influence your dental health. Other things — such as the type of brush you use — can also have an effect on your oral health.

Samuel Sigmon, DDS, and our team at Full Circle Dental Care are devoted to helping your smile last a lifetime. In this blog, we listed some habits that you should avoid, so you can have healthy teeth and gums year after year.

Chewing hard foods and objects

Your teeth are strong, but if you have a regular habit of chewing on hard foods or objects, such as ice or pens, you can weaken your teeth. And this can increase your risk of developing chips or cracks.

This isn’t to say that you must always avoid hard foods. Whenever possible, let them dissolve in your mouth, such as with ice or hard candies. But, you should always avoid chewing on nonfood items, such as pens or pencils. Lastly, you should never use your teeth as a tool by biting open packages or twisting off bottle caps.

Piercing your tongue 

A tongue piercing may seem like a creative form of expression, but the metal studs can pose risks to your oral health. They can knock against your teeth and damage or crack the enamel. The studs can also rub against your gums and cause irritation. 

Indulging in sugary foods and beverages

Eating foods high in refined sugar are unlikely to pose a problem if you only eat them occasionally. However, regularly eating sugary foods and drinking sugar-sweetened beverages can increase your risk of developing tooth decay. Refined sugar can erode the enamel of your teeth and eventually open up channels for bacteria to get into the sensitive areas of your teeth.

It would be best to avoid or limit your consumption of the following foods:

If you do consume these items occasionally, try not to keep them in your mouth for long periods of time. Furthermore, try to rinse out your mouth with water as soon as possible.

You should also know that starchy snacks, such as potato chips, can also damage your teeth over time. So try to limit your consumption of starchy snacks, too, and try to rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after consuming them. 

Using the wrong type of toothbrush

Using a toothbrush that is too hard and brushing your teeth too aggressively can wear down the protective enamel of your teeth. Use a soft-bristled brush and clean your teeth gently.

If you’re unsure of what toothbrush is best, ask your dentist for a recommendation. Choosing the right toothbrush and using a good brushing technique will help keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

Consuming too much alcohol

While there’s nothing wrong with having an alcoholic beverage here and there, drinking too much can negatively affect your oral health. This is because alcohol can destroy the good bacteria that help keep your mouth and gums healthy. Alcohol can also be harsh on your gums and teeth and cause erosion.  

Skipping bi-annual dental visits

Getting your teeth cleaned and examined twice a year is a key part of keeping your smile healthy. Even if you’re diligent about home dental hygiene, only a professional can remove plaque and tartar and clean tough-to-reach spots. Additionally, bi-annual checkups can give your dentist the opportunity to detect potential problems before they start or treat issues at their earliest stages, when they’re easier to treat. 

Whether you’re looking to straighten your smile, treat oral disease, or get a professional cleaning, we can help. For top-quality dental care for the entire family, book an appointment online or over the phone with Full Circle Dental Care today.

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