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Pregnancy and Dental Health: What You Need to Know When Expecting

Pregnancy and Dental Health: What You Need to Know When Expecting

Pregnancy can be a joyful, exciting, and challenging time. You know your belly will grow and you’ll see your obstetrician regularly along the way. But did you know that staying on top of your dental health can be equally important? 

Tending to all aspects of your wellness, including your oral health, can help ensure that you and your little one stay as healthy as possible throughout your pregnancy.

At Full Circle Dental Care in Del City, Oklahoma, Dr. Samuel Sigmon and his team provide compassionate, quality dental care for every age and stage of life – your pregnancy included.

Let’s take a look at the relationship between pregnancy and dental health and how to care for your teeth and gums during pregnancy. 

Dental changes during pregnancy 

Hormonal changes during your pregnancy can impact your dental health in a range of ways. Increased estrogen and progesterone levels, for example, can loosen bones and gum tissue that keep your teeth in place. This is one reason pregnancy may heighten your risk for periodontal disease, given that loose teeth leave room for bacteria to gather and create plaque.

Indulging in cravings for starchy or sugary foods may also impact your oral health through your trimesters by making way for decay and cavities. On top of that, vomiting from morning sickness exposes your teeth to stomach acid, which wears away at the protective enamel. 

These issues are concerning not only for you, but for the health of your child. Unfortunately, dental decay can transmit from you to your baby during pregnancy. If you breastfeed, decay can also be transmitted after you’ve delivered your little one. Gum disease is also linked with premature births.

Ways to protect your oral health during pregnancy

Just as obstetrician checkups are important, you should prioritize preventive dental care during pregnancy, too. As soon as you’re able, schedule a checkup so that our team can help ensure that your oral health stays in a positive place for you and your baby.

Practices we may recommend include:

Although there’s no need to eat “perfectly” during your pregnancy, keeping added sugars to modest amounts can help ensure healthier teeth and gums. Find pleasurable ways to enjoy healthy sweets when cravings strike. Have berries drizzled with melted dark chocolate or an all-fruit frozen bar for dessert, for example. Snack on nutrient-dense foods, such as veggies, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat protein sources, most often.

Dental procedure safety during pregnancy

If it turns out that you need a dental procedure during your pregnancy, you can rest easy knowing that they’re safe. Most use only local anesthesia or other safe types of sedation. Waiting to address such issues, on the other hand, is not ideal.

Addressing dental issues early on helps stave off complications. Mild gum disease, for example, can often be reversed before leading to a severe infection or tooth loss. Getting a cavity filled may prevent severe pain, nerve damage, or the need for a root canal

No matter what your dental health needs may be, our team is here to help. Learn more or get started with the pregnancy dental care you need by calling Full Circle Dental Care at 405-677-0516 or emailing us through our website.

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