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Preparing for Oral Surgery

Whether you’re dealing with an impacted wisdom tooth, a dental implant, or a bone graft, it’s important to prepare yourself for oral surgery. While you won’t be in an outpatient or hospital facility, you’re still having surgery, and there are precautions to take before the operation.

You’re in safe hands with Dr. Samuel Sigmon at Full Circle Dental Care when having oral surgery. At our practice in Del City, Oklahoma, we employ the latest and most advanced dental surgical techniques to ensure you have a quick and uncomplicated recovery.

Following are strategies to prepare yourself for the procedure and for a little downtime post-surgery. 

Understand the procedure 

During your pre-op appointment, Dr. Sigmon explains why you need the oral surgery and what problem it’s going to correct. 

Perhaps you’ve lost a tooth and need a dental implant. Dr. Sigmon explains the importance of filling the space left once the tooth is out; bone loss can result quickly without an implant to replace the lost tooth. 

Dr. Sigmon also explains each step he’s going to take during the procedure. Now is the time to ask any questions you may have so that you fully understand how the procedure is going to benefit you. 

Review your medications 

Review your medications and bring up any over-the-counter supplements you’re taking. Ensure you’ve included all of them on our questionnaire. 

Arrange in advance for a ride home

Anytime you have anesthesia, whether it’s light sedation or general anesthesia, it’s not safe to drive for at least 24 hours. Even if it’s just local anesthesia, remember you’ve had a surgical procedure. Ensure you have a family member or friend to drive you home.

Follow instructions on eating, drinking, and smoking

If you’re having sedation or general anesthesia, you need to stop eating and drinking after midnight the night before your procedure. 

Even drinking water before having anesthesia can cause serious complications. You can still take any needed medication that you’ve reviewed with Dr. Sigmon, but with just one sip of water. 

Be sure to brush and floss thoroughly before coming to the office. Scheduling a dental cleaning shortly before oral surgery is a great idea. 

You won’t be able to smoke for a minimum of a day before your oral surgery and a day afterward. Smoking retards recovery from surgery; it’s to your benefit to quit smoking for several weeks before your procedure. 

Wear comfortable clothing and shoes 

If you’re having IV sedation, wearing short sleeves makes the procedure easier for all involved. Our staff takes your vital signs before and during the surgery. 

Know what not to wear the day of surgery

Remember not to wear contact lenses to the office the day of surgery since your eyes are closed for more than an hour if you’re having sedation or general anesthesia. 

Clean your face well the morning of the surgery. Skip the eye and face makeup along with the lipstick. 

Pre-plan your post-surgery routine 

Stock up on protein drinks for the first several days of your recovery. They’re easy to consume and provide great nutrition post-surgery. 

Dr. Sigmon’s post-surgery instructions also include consuming soft foods that don’t involve chewing. Scrambled eggs, yogurt, mashed banana, and cottage cheese are good choices.

Cancel in advance if you’re sick 

Don’t undergo oral surgery if you’re sick and think you might have the flu or another virus. We understand if you have to cancel in advance due to illness. Being in good health prior to your oral surgery helps ensure a good recovery without complications. 

Call Full Circle Dental Care for expert general and implant dental care. We’re your partner in your oral health. 

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